

Tokeplanet:Online headshop


When you decide to integrate one or more bongs into your offer, the price is a fundamental component but it is certainly not the only one to indicate the quality of the bong. Other attributes, as we like to call them, should be taken into consideration besides the price?

To answer this question and consequently make it easier for you to choose the most suitable bong for your customers, we have created tables with several fundamental attributes. Know more at the Tokeplanet:Online headshop.

Height and diameter of the bong are “discounted” information but your customers certainly have preferences. There are sthose who prefer a small bong to a 50 cm high one; although the latter is indicated as the ideal height. The material , in our opinion the most important attribute. There are acrylic, glass and borosilicate glass bongs. Borosilicate glass is the most valuable material with which a bong can be produced because it is synonymous with a resistant product , the average thickness of 0.4 to 0.5 cm.

Another indispensable attribute concerns the presence of the percolator inside the bong. The percolator allows the smoke to be cooled before being aspirated.

Percolator that should not be confused with the precooler , which is an object that allows you to further cool the smoke and ensure an even more intense smoking experience. A precooler can be added to all bongs. For some bongs it can be included in the kit, for others it must be purchased separately.

The kickhole attribute indicates in technical jargon the presence or absence of the hole, usually at the height of the brazier. Hole that is closed when using the bong to prevent smoke from escaping.

The attachment of the brazier indicates its diameter. Fundamental to know in case of breakage the size of the brazier to buy.

Other attributes that are important to your customers are the attributes that provide information on whether the bong can also be used with ice and oils. The bongs that can be used with ice are distinguished by a choke in the central part while the bongs that can be used with oils are equipped with dedicated braziers.

A further consideration should be made considering theĀ  difference between the ampoule bong and the tube bong. The ampoule bong is for more experienced smokers because the smoke condenses in the ampoule and when it is sucked in it is necessary to know how to inhale the smoke deeply so as not to leave residues.

While the pipe bong is easier to use because the smoke does not condense and therefore is much easier to inhale without leaving any residue.

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